Who We Are

We help companies establish an Employee Value Proposition and Metric Goals for each position. These critical steps will add laser focus to your hiring process, help drive revenues to new heights by consistently hiring the top talent the first time, save your company from costly Mis-hires.

“Unless you are Apple, Amazon, Disney, or Microsoft you probably don’t have top candidates knocking on your door hoping to work for your company. So when you need specific talent you have to go out and RECRUIT! Networking, advertising, and internal candidates are the most common ways to fill positions, but sometimes these methods don’t produce the results you need.

Our Experience

  • Talent Management
  • Consultative Approach
  • Contingent & Retained Searches

Effective Hiring

Networking, advertising, and internal candidates are the most common ways to fill positions, but sometimes these methods don’t produce the results you need.

Traditional methods of recruiting can result in mis-hires. Mis-hires are candidates who leave a position after 24 months or sooner. There are many reasons for mis-hires, but the bottom line is that Mis-hires are very costly and companies need to do everything possible to avoid them.

How expensive are mis-hires? According to Dr. Brad Smart, author of “Topgrading”, the cost of a mis-hired sales rep earning $100,000 is $546,000. The cost of mis-hired mid- level manager at $100,00 salary is roughly $860,000. In other words, the cost to an organization for a mis-hire can be 5-10 times salary or greater! This data is reflected in a thorough review of direct and indirect hiring costs such as: interviewing time, administrative costs, cost for outside testing, record checking, physicals, travel costs for candidates, time and expense of all candidates, and relocation costs – if any.

Happy Clients

Principles of Our Work







Free Consultation

How can your company attract top talent and avoid Mis-hires ?

By working with Cascade Recruiting.

Contact us to find out the first steps in this process.